Big Questions from Little Hearts: Prayer and the Almighty God

A common question that children (and even we adults) will sometimes ask when reflecting on God and prayer is “If God knows all things, then why pray?” ...
Keep ReadingGiven my role in the church and the phase of life I’m in, I have read many (too many?) parenting books over the past few years. One thing I’ve learned: most parenting books are basically the same. But last month I read a (mercifully) short book by Thomas Smyth called “The Mission of Parenting,” and it was so unlike anything that has come out in recent years. ...
After recently reading through Paul David Tripp’s “Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family,” one of his principles has continued to stick out to me: Recognizing what you are unable to do is essential to good parenting....
There are many wonderful things about winter and one of them is the time we enjoy celebrating Christmas. But some of you may not like winter and others may not even like Christmas (though I doubt you’ve said it out loud). Most of us don’t like the over-commercialization and busyness of the season but we also grow tired of talking about that every year too. We could go on and on about things we don’t like if we wanted to be grinches about it all....
A common question that children (and even we adults) will sometimes ask when reflecting on God and prayer is “If God knows all things, then why pray?” ...
A common question that children (and even we adults) will sometimes ask when reflecting on God and prayer is “If God knows all things, then why pray?” ...
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