To the Praise of God's Glory
If you want to find a church that is a Bible-based, Christian church near/in Ada, MI then you have found it! Redeemer OPC is a church committed to making and maturing disciples of Jesus. Redeemer is a local church of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) which is part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church of historic Christianity. We practice joyfully reverent worship, teach reformed theology, grow daily as a loving community, empower believers to discover, develop, and deploy their gifts, and hope to connect with anyone seeking to know our Creator God in a personal, saving way through faith in Jesus Christ.
Redeemer exists to magnify God in worship,
mature in Christlikeness,
minister according to Christ’s gifts,
and to multiply worshippers in Spirit and truth.
Redeemer belongs to Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). The denomination strives, “to bring glory to God through our churches and individual lives and to make known to the world the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ”. As a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we also affirm the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (more information can be found via the OPC denominational website).