New Here

New Here

New Here

Thank you for being the best resource for our LIFE Groups! As a leader, the Lord works through you to help gather, guide, and grow your LG. Without you the likelihood a group would continue is very low and it would not thrive. We want to help you thrive in your leadership by equipping you the best way we can.

Our LG Leader Training is normally held the third Tuesday of June from 6:30-8:30pm. Please sign-up HERE. Pastor Jonathan can provide training at anytime someone is interested in leading a LIFE Group.

LIFE Group Interest Form ('24-25)

Intro video

Testimonies from LG participants


Good Book Small Group Studies

Reformed Expository Bible Studies

Family Life resources


Public Prayer Requests in the Bulletin

The Valley of Vision


Share Your Gifts Inventory

Serve together @ Sus Manos Gleaners

LG Leader Training

Coming 2024