Thursday Morning GROW Group

Every Thursday until May 30, 2024
9:15am – 11:00am
Location: 8605 Fulton St E, Ada, MI 49301
Category: Women's Bible Study Coordinator: Mary BontThe Thursday morning women’s Bible study, called GROW Groups, is starting a NEW study on the book of Luke this January. If you are looking to slide on in or tryout one of our women’s Bible studies this is an ideal time to join (although any time is a good time). This winter/spring we will be using the book Luke: Good News of Great Joy, by Lydia Brownback. Our kick-off brunch will be January 11 at which time we will hand out books and hear a testimony of God’s faithfulness from Wendy Palmer on her work in jail ministry. Discussion of the book will start the following week. Nursery is provided for children ages 0-2 and a Little Lambs program is provided for children ages 3 through Kindergarten. Registration is now open; however, you can join at any time. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Bont at