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Childproof: Parenting by Faith, Not Formula with Julie Lowe

parenting thumbnail image

November 3, 2023 to November 4, 2023

All Day

Location: 8605 Fulton St E, Ada, MI 49301

Coordinator: Dan Adams

One of the great priorities God gives to the church is to train up the next generation to know him and teach them to obey all that he has commanded. The church has a number of ministries meant to help accomplish this goal, but fundamentally this task is given to the parents the Lord gives to the children of the church. As glorious and joyous as this responsibility may be, it can honestly be one of the most challenging and heartbreaking. I once had a seasoned youth pastor mention to me “Remember: Most parents eat guilt with their Wheaties each morning.” When the challenges of parenting can feel overwhelming, it is natural to look outside of ourselves for help. But navigating the multitude of Christian parenting resources can be a challenge, with their varied perspectives and sometimes triumphalist tones “just do this and you’re children will grow up to be Christians…” But what does the Lord actually call us to? Are we meant to be captured by one parenting fad after another? Or does Scripture give counsel and encouragement to parents who feel lost and without a paddle?

It is the hope of the session to encourage parents in our church and community by hosting a parenting conference on November 3rd-4th at the church building, “Childproof: Parenting by Faith, Not Formula.” Counselor Julie Lowe will be delivering 4 talks on  variety of topics connected to parenting with wisdom and how to shield and equip our children well for the world they live in. She has counseled and taught at CCEF for a number of years, and taught several counseling classes for Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA on topics touching parenting and counseling children. This will be an open event, meaning that it is not just for members of Redeemer but for friends, family members, coworkers and neighbors. 


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